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Useful information, to keep close at hand

Do you need more information ahead of your holiday in the Prosecco Superiore Hills? Would you like to know how easy it is to get here with your chosen means of transport?

From the very start of your holiday in the Prosecco Hills, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to get to all of the main places: Asolo, Valdobbiadene, Conegliano, Vittorio Veneto, Montebelluna and Bassano del Grappa.

Click here and start discovering the area with the map of Visitproseccohills!

The map of Visitproseccohills

The map of Visitproseccohills
Your holiday in the Prosecco Hills starts here!

How to get here

How to get here
You can get to the Prosecco Superiore Hills in a flash! They’re centrally located between Venice and the Dolomites, so you can use whichever mode of transport you like!

Tourist information centres

Tourist information centres
Come and see us during your stay in the Prosecco Superiore Hills! We’ll help to make your holiday unique and unforgettable!

Weather forecasts for the Prosecco Hills

Weather forecasts for the Prosecco Hills
The weather forecast is just a click away! Get the best out of your holiday in the Prosecco Superiore Hills by staying up to date with the weather conditions.

The hills

Just a short trip from the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Venice and the Dolomites. Asolo, Conegliano, Possagno, Valdobbiadene and Vittorio Veneto are just some of the towns dotted across the Prosecco Superiore Hills that you can explore during your holiday.


Top events

Yoga at the villa

Yoga at the villa

26th October 2024
Yoga in the landscape of Ville d'Arfanta.


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Intervento realizzato avvalendosi del finanziamento:

POR FESR – “Bando per l’attivazione, sviluppo, consolidamento di aggregazioni di PMI per interventi che favoriscano l’orientamento alla domanda turistica e ai mercati internazionali”

Asse 3
Competitività dei sistemi Produttivi

Azione 3.3.4 - Sostegno alla competitività delle imprese nelle destinazioni turistiche, attraverso interventi di qualificazione dell’offerta e innovazione di
prodotto/servizio, strategica ed organizzativa Sub-Azione D “Promozione”
DGR 1426 del 01/10/2019 – progetto di aggregazione finalizzato alla alla promo-commercializzazione di prodotti turistici sviluppati all’interno del network di imprese

Spesa ammessa: € 592.700,00
Contributo ammesso: 296.350,00